How can I keep working from home?
If you've spent time working from home during the coronavirus and found that it worked for you, you might be wondering how to keep working remotely, at least some of the time, now that offices are starting to reopen or looking at reopening. The good news is that many businesses are wondering the same thing. The benefits of working from home are win-win for everyone, not just employees. Find out our five practical tips to help you keep working from home.

1. Seize the moment
If continuing to work from home has been on your mind, speak up! Now, more than ever is the right time to ask, as your team returns to the office and there is room for adjustment. Many organisations are seeking feedback around working from home and are open to the idea of making remote working a part of the 'new normal.'
2. Be clear on your motivations
Consider why you want to continue working from home. Did the commute-free workdays reduce your stress and give you more time for loved ones or exercise? Or perhaps you found working from home with kids was not only possible but enjoyable? Figure out exactly what you personally benefited from while working from home during coronavirus and how this might translate once office life returns. Clearly understanding your motivations for continuing remote working will help you better communicate your perspective with your workplace.
3. Think practically
Next, think about which days you want to be working remotely and consider any big constraints your office might have to you working those days. For example, does your workplace have a big team meeting on Monday mornings you're required to attend in person? Factor these kinds of restrictions into your remote working plan to make sure your arrangement realistically reflects how your office operates.
4. Make it win-win
You know that working from home is an arrangement that works for you but make sure your proposal explains how it will benefit the company. Fewer people in the office means less running costs like electricity or even downsizing to smaller office space. Remote working also boosts productivity: this study found that remote employees work "1.4 more days every month, or 16.8 more days every year" than those who work in an office. Consider how the benefits of working from home best apply not only to yourself but the organisation and build a plan around those.
5. Be flexible
If you don't get a 'Yes!' straight away, suggest a trial period for working from home to get started. Make sure to check in with your manager and team to make sure that the arrangement is running smoothly. Actively seeking out feedback and being flexible in making improvements will help ensure your remote working arrangement is sustainable.
If you need more help to start working from home, or other flexible work arrangements you don't have to go it alone! Start chatting to a Job Pair Flex Work coach about your next steps to unlock the flexibility in your career.