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Gillian's flex work story

Gillian works in human experience management in the real estate industry. Before coronavirus, Gillian worked from home a few days a week and linked into meetings with her offshore team in Singapore. Gillian discusses how having her team switch to remote working improved her working relationships and shifted her attitudes towards working in the office.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m a full-time working, single parent. I work in the Real Estate industry and have some great flexibility to work in a way that suits my life.

Have you had any experience working from home or in flexible work arrangement/s prior to COVID-19?

Yes. I would work from home 2 days per week, pre COVID.

How has working from home during COVID-19 compared to your expectations?

I am really enjoying working from home full time. I don’t miss the office at all!

What are the benefits you've experienced in working from home?

More time with my daughter, more balance to complete work and life tasks in a way that works for me.

What’s been your biggest distraction or challenge, and how have you overcome it?

My daughter being at home during lockdown was by far the biggest challenge that I have had!

How has your experience changed your thinking on working from home?

I would like to continue to work from home most of the time going forward.

How has this experience changed the way you will work moving forward?

I think I feel less bound to go to the office. I can be more productive all round by working from home and only going to the office for a specific purpose occasionally.

What does your at home workspace look like?

It needs to be improved. Currently, I use the dining room table with my laptop.

Have your working relationships changed or grown in working virtually with each other? If so how (i.e. benefits, challenges, improvements)?

I have found my working relationships have improved. My team are offshore, so by having virtual meetings I have felt much more included than previously, where my team in Singapore would all gather in a room.

What’s your working from home ritual? (i.e. your morning routine, something that helps you feel in the zone or you enjoy now you’re not in the office)

I like to have a quick workout once I drop my daughter at school. It’s been so nice to not have to get out of bed before dawn!

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